He was really posing well and looking so serious, I had to take a picture of him!
Made it in Explore, #80, March 28th, 2010.
Portrait of a serious but beautiful husky
...and the bird Phoenix cometh.
Central Business District, Singapore
Explore #05, July 31, 2010
Taken with Light Craft Workshop's Fader ND filter.
baby african pygmy hedgehog - explored
Another baby african pygmy hedgehog shot from just before I went away early this year. Not had chance to share, so here he is :)
Thank you to Janine & Mark who were kind enough to let me photograph him.
*Update: Made Flickr explore July 06, 2010 - #40
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or say hi on Twitter :)
Steve Jobs 2011 (white)
Mosaic portrait of Steve Jobs made out of Apple products.
Made for Panorama, the best selling weekly magazine in Italy.
Two different versions have been created. This is the one on white background that has been used for the cover.
The black version can be seen here.
Best viewed large.
Attention: Big file. (9216 x 9728 pixels = 30.7" x 32.4" @ 300 ppi)
Alternately you can zoom in to the high res (90 megapixels) file with Microsoft ZoomIt.
Also available as Wallpaper (1920 x 1200 pixels).
Made with custom developed scripts, hacks and lots of love, using my Mac, Studio Artist, the Adobe Creative Suite and good music.
Licensed under the Creative Commons License Scheme.
You can use this image for NON commercial projects, but you have to credit me.
Please, don't use it to express hate, racism or anything negative.
See all of my Steve Jobs portraits here.
talk to the hand
Feeling rather happy to have 2 of those in working order.
They are especially useful when it comes to making a living as a saxophonist.
(large version of this)
see another shot from this series here.
Color Key Week – The Eye Of The Tiger
Hey you, if you came here from explore page I would kindly ask you to FAVOURITE this image. This would help me a lot :) Thanks and have a nice day!
Roooaaar! Run, be fast otherwise there might be a problem…
If this is what he thinks? I don’t know. The only thing I know is that the white Tiger as seen in the Singapore Zoo is majestic and royal.
Isn’t it interesting that an animal like the tiger can be so beautiful and fascinating whilst being one of the most dangerous animals on this planet? Nature always provides something unexpected. In case of a child it would surely want to cuddle with the Tiger because of it’s squashy coat. The first time he roars the child possibly would never trust a Tiger again…
If you want to particitpate in the Color Key Week tell me about your color key photos uploaded this week. I will comment and look at them!
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Beware! I can bite you!
Please, view on black
Btw, gracias Cris y Pancho por dedicarme los posts! ;)
#1 on Explore.
Recently I blogged about a new project that I am starting called $2 portraits. The idea is that I will offer $2 to anyone who asks me for money from now on in exchange for their portrait.
I met Vladimir at about 1:45 earlier this morning down around the Pike Place Market area of Seattle. Vladimir asked me for money and I told him about my $2 portrait project. When I told him about my project he said he'd do it for $5. I told him that I only paid $2 for the project and he agreed to pose.
Vladimir did not seem to want to talk about himself. When I asked him questions he was not very responsive. I asked him if he had family he said no. But he then added that the entire world was his family. Vladimir said he'd been in Seattle 4 years and had lived in Philadelphia for 10 years before that.
After I took his portrait and paid Vladimir he asked me for more money again. He said he could write me a poem for more money.
Update: Some people have asked me if it would be ok if they start their own version of this project as well. I think that is great and believe that frequently the best projects become collaborative. With that in mind I've created a new $2 Portraits group on Flickr. If you'd to, feel free to join the group and post your own $2 portraits there.
Hello World...
Stoat - British Wildlife Centre, Surrey, England - Sunday August 17th 2008.
Click here to see the Larger image
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ The Ermine (Mustela erminea) is a small mammal of the family Mustelidae. It is also known as the stoat and the short-tailed weasel.
Natural history ~ The Ermine can be found almost everywhere throughout the northern temperate, subarctic and Arctic regions, of Europe, Asia, and North America. In an unsuccessful attempt to control the rabbit population, it was introduced into New Zealand. Ermines are largely nocturnal or crepuscular but will sometimes come out during the day.
Physical description ~ The Ermine is a member of the family Mustelidae, which also includes other weasels, mink, otters, ferret, badgers, polecats, the wolverine, martens, the tayra, the fisher and in some taxonomical classifications skunks. This is one of the most species-rich families in order Carnivora. The Ermine moves in a sinuous manner when pursuing its prey extremely quick over the ground considering its small size, and is also a strong swimmer that is able to colonize offshore islands. Although it inhabits northern latitudes, the Ermine is built long and thin, leading to an increased surface area-to-volume ratio and increased dissipation of heat from its body. The advantage of this shape is that it is one of the few species able to follow burrowing animals into their own homes. It partly compensates for this shape by having short legs, small ears, a fast metabolism and, in winter, thick fur. Ermines may grow up to 30 cm long, with males much larger than the females. In most areas it coexists with the weasel (Mustela nivalis, also known as the Least Weasel), the smallest member of order Carnivora. Where the weasel is absent the Ermine is smaller (~70 g).
The Ermine's coat is a rich medium brown with an off-white belly. In winter, the coat is thicker and in regions that experience an inch or more of snow for at least forty days of the year (such as in Armenia[1]), the color changes to clean white. This white fur is known as "ermine", a term originating either from the Latin phrase "Armenius mūs" ("Armenian rat") or from a word common to the Germanic and Baltic languages, hence the scientific name. At this stage, where the animal is known as a "stoat", it may be referred to as ermine, or as being "in ermine". The winter Ermine has been used in art as a symbol of purity or virginity. The white fur was highly prized, and used in the robes of the Lord Chief Justice of England. Both the animal and the heraldic tincture are symbols of Brittany. The furs would be sewn together making a pattern of black dots. A version of this pattern is used in heraldry as ermine tincture.
In all seasons the Ermine has a black tip to its tail. The black tip probably serves as a decoy to predators, which would include almost any carnivore large enough to eat a Ermine (e.g. wolves, foxes, wolverines, and some birds of prey). This kind of coat is very similar to the coat of the long-tailed weasel (Mustela frenata), a related animal of about the same size which also moults into white in the northern part of its range, and it is easy to confuse these kinds of weasels. The North American name for the Ermine, the "Short-tailed weasel" arose because its tail length distinguishes it from the long-tailed weasel. In general it is found farther north. Both species can be distinguished from the weasel because the weasel lacks a black tip on its tail.
Geographical range ~ The Ermine is native to the area between the 40th parallel (north) and the beginning of the Arctic Circle, which encompasses most of northern Eurasia and North America.
They have been introduced to New Zealand and Australia to control a rabbit overpopulation but found an alternative source of food easier to catch thus leaving the rabbit problem unsolved. They were also brought to Terschelling Island to control water voles (Arvicola terrestris). Ermines can swim up to 1.5 kilometers across seawater and have already reached several New Zealand offshore islands unaided. Maud Island which is 900 meters offshore has been colonised multiple times in the past 20 years.
Diet ~ The Ermine is a carnivore. It eats insects, rabbits; rodents such as the mouse, vole and rat; other small mammals; birds and their eggs and young; and sometimes fish, reptiles, amphibians, and invertebrates. It is a very skillful tree climber and can descend a trunk headfirst, like a squirrel. The Ermine is capable of killing animals much larger than itself. When it is able to obtain more meat than it can eat it will engage in "surplus killing" and often stores the extra food for later. When this is the case, it will often kill by breaking the prey's neck without marking the body, presumably so its cache does not spoil easily.
There are several recorded instances of Ermines 'transfixing' rabbits by exhibiting a tumbling routine akin to a dance. Rabbits appear hypnotised by this activity and fail to notice the Ermine approach within striking distance. Once close enough, the rabbit falls easy prey to the Ermine.
Like other mustelids it typically dispatches its prey by biting into the base of the skull to get at the centers of the brain responsible for such important biological functions as breathing. Sometimes it will also make preliminary bites to other areas of the body. In most areas in which Ermines and least weasels co-exist, the weasel generally takes smaller prey and the Ermine slightly larger prey. The larger male Ermines generally take larger prey than females. Commonly, the Ermine falls prey to animals such as the wolf, fox, cat or badger.
Reproduction ~ Young Mustela ermineaThe Ermine is territorial and intolerant of others in its range, especially others of the same sex. Within its range, it typically uses several dens, often taken from prey species. It usually travels alone, except when it is mating or is a mother with older offspring. It breeds once a year, producing several young kits (or kittens) per litter, and its mating system is promiscuous. Copulation occurs during the mating season with multiple partners and is often forced by the male, who does not help raise the offspring. Sometimes it occurs when the female is so young she has not even left the den. In spite of being such a small animal, the Ermine's gestation is among the longest reported for mammals (11 months) because of the adaptation of delayed implantation, or embryonic diapause, in which a fertilized egg is not implanted in the uterus until months later. The animal's "real" gestation is much shorter. This is presumably an adaptation to the highly seasonal environment in which the Ermine lives.
Senses and behavior ~ Communication (and also location of prey) occurs largely by scent, since the Ermine as typical of mammals has a sensitive olfactory system. As a result much of this communication is missed by human observers. However, Ermines are believed to identify females in estrus by scent, and also the sex, health and age of prey. Some kinds of rodents such as voles have counter-adapted by being able to shut down reproduction (which makes females slower and easier to catch) if they smell the odor of mustelids. The Ermine's visual resolution is lower than that of humans and color vision is poor, although night vision is superior. Like most other non-primate mammals they have dichromatic colour vision (they can distinguish long from short wavelengths of light, but cannot make distinctions of hue within those bands). Tactile information is conferred by the vibrissae, or whiskers. When alarmed, a Ermine can release a powerful musky smell from glands near its anus.
For a Dear Friend.......
Highest Explore position #482 ~ August 5th 2008.
Fallow Deer - Wildwood, Kent, England - Sunday August 3rd 2008.
Click here to see the Larger image
This is dedicated to my dear friend Kesha ~ Who's awesome images can be found here ~ www.flickr.com/photos/gottcha78/ ~ Thanks for the wonderful testimonial you left for me yesterday, it really meant a lot to me, I too hope to one day share a cup of tea with you...:O)))
Keep up the awesome work my friend...and I hope you find what your looking for...:O)))
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia ~ The Fallow Deer (Dama dama) is a ruminant mammal belonging to the family Cervidae.
The male is a buck, the female is a doe, and the young a fawn. Bucks are 140-160 cm long and 90-100 cm shoulder height, and 60-85 kg in weight; does are 130-150 cm long and 75-85 cm shoulder height, and 30-50 kg in weight. Fawns are born in spring at about 30 cm and weigh around 4.5 kg. The life span is around 12 years.
The species is very variable in colour, with four main variants, "common", "menil", "melanistic" and "albinistic". The common form has a brown coat with white mottles that are most pronounced in summer with a much darker coat in the winter. The albinistic is the lightest coloured, almost white; common and menil are darker, and melanistic is very dark, even black (easily confused with the Sika Deer). Most herds consist of the common form but have menil form and melanistic form animals amongst them (the three groups do not stay separate and interbreed readily).
Only bucks have antlers, these are broad and shovel-shaped. They are grazing animals; their preferred habitat is mixed woodland and open grassland. During the rut bucks will spread out and females move between them, at this time of year fallow deer are relatively ungrouped compared to the rest of the year when they try to stay together in groups of up to 150.
The Fallow Deer was a native of most of Europe during the last Interglacial. In the Holocene, the distribution was restricted to the Middle East and possibly also parts of the Mediterranean region, while further southeast in western Asia was the home of a close relative, the Persian Fallow Deer (Dama mesopotamica), that is bigger and has larger antlers. In the Levant, Fallow Deer were an important source of meat in the Palaeolithic Kebaran-culture (17000-10000 BC), as is shown by animal bones from sites in northern Israel, but the numbers decreased in the following epi-Palaeolithic Natufian culture (10000-8500 BC), perhaps because of increased aridity and the decrease of wooded areas.
The Fallow Deer was spread across central Europe by the Romans. Until recently it was thought that the Normans introduced them to Great Britain and to Ireland for hunting in the royal forests. However recent finds at Fishbourne Roman Palace show that Fallow Deer were introduced into southern England in the first century AD. It is not known whether these escaped to form a feral colony, or whether they died out and were reintroduced by the Normans.
The Fallow Deer is easily tamed and is often kept semi-domesticated in parks today. In more recent times, Fallow Deer have also been introduced in parts of the United States. In some areas of Central Georgia, wild fallow deer, not having any natural enemies, have increased to numbers that cause serious damage to young trees. Fallow Deer have also been introduced in Texas, along with many other exotic deer species, where they are often hunted on large game ranches.
One noted historical herd of fallow deer is located in the Ottenby Preserve in Öland, Sweden where Karl X Gustav erected a drystone wall some four kilometres long to enclose a royal fallow deer herd in the mid 1600s; the herd still exists as of 2006.
Wakey, Wakey...sleepy head...
Red Panda - Colchester Zoo, Colchester, Essex, England - September 2008.
Click here to see the Larger image
Click here to see My most interesting images
The Red Panda, Firefox, Fire Cat, or Lesser Panda , "or Ailurus fulgens ("shining cat"), is a mostly herbivorous mammal, specialized as a bamboo feeder. It is slightly larger than a domestic cat (40 - 60 cm long, 3 - 6 kg weight). The Red Panda is endemic to the Himalayas in Bhutan, southern China, India, Laos, Nepal, and Burma. Red Panda is the state animal in the Indian state of Sikkim. It is also the mascot of the Darjeeling international festivals. There is an estimated population of fewer than 2,500 mature individuals. Their population continues to decline due to habitat fragmentation.
Distribution ~ Pandas are native to southeastern Asia, along a crescent formed by the Himalaya Mountain foothills from western Nepal, southern Tibet, Bhutan, and Northeast India, then east into the highlands of Burma (or Myanmar), the Gongshan Mountains of Yunnan province in China, and the Hengduan Mountains of Sichuan province in China. The latter area is thought to have been a refuge for Red Pandas, as well as many other animals, during the last (Pleistocene) period of glaciation. The gorge of the Brahmaputra River, as it loops around the eastern end of the Himalayas, is considered a natural division between the two subspecies, although some suggest the A. f. fulgens range extends more eastwardly into Yunnan China. Red pandas used to have a broader distribution farther northeast into China and farther southwest into India.
Red Pandas inhabit climates of moderate temperature (10-25 °C) with little annual fluctuation and prefer forested mountainous areas at elevations of 1,800-4,800 m,or 5000-15,700 ft, particularly temperate deciduous-coniferous forests with an understory of rhododendron and, of course, bamboo. They share habitat with another bamboo specialist, the Giant Panda, in China (Wolong Preserve). Red Pandas are cavity nesters, using rock dens and old hollow trees. They often spend the day drooped over a branch high in the trees, feeding more actively at dawn and dusk.
Physical characteristics ~ The Red Panda is quite long: 79-120 cm, or 31 to 47 in (including the tail length of 30 to 60 cm/12 to 24 in). Males weigh 4.5 to 6.2 kg (10 to 14 lb); females 3 to 4.5 kg (6 to 10 lb). The Red Panda is specialized as a bamboo feeder, with long and soft reddish-brown fur on upper parts, blackish fur on lower parts, light face with tear markings and robust cranial-dental features. The light face has white badges similar to those of a raccoon, but each individual can have distinctive markings. Its roundish head has medium-sized upright ears, a black nose, and very dark eyes: almost pitch black. Its long bushy tail with six alternating yellowish red transverse ocher rings provides balance and excellent camouflage against its habitat of moss- and lichen-covered trees. The legs are black, short and bear-like with thick fur on the soles of the paws hiding scent glands and serving as thermal insulation on snow-covered or ice surfaces. The Red Panda is specialized as a bamboo feeder with strong, curved and sharp semi-retractile claws standing inward for firm grasping to facilitate substantial movement on narrow tree branches and seizing leaves and fruit. Like the Giant Pandas (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), it has a “false thumb” that really is an extension of the wrist bone.
Behavior ~ Red Pandas are crepuscular (most active at dawn and dusk) and live in the slopes of the south of the Himalayas and the mountainous forests of the southwest of China, at altitudes of up to 4,800 meters, and generally do not venture below 1,800 meters. They are sedentary during the day resting in the branches of trees and in tree hollows and increase their activity only in the late afternoon and/or early evening hours. They are very heat sensitive with an optimal “well-being” temperature between 17 and 25°C, and cannot tolerate temperatures over 25 °C at all. As a result, Red Pandas sleep during the hot noontime in the shady crowns of treetops, often lying stretched out on forked branches or rolled up in tree caves with their tail covering their face.
Red Pandas are very skillful and acrobatic animals that live predominantly in trees. They live in territories, frequently alone, and only rarely live in pairs or in groups of families. They are very quiet except for some twittering and whistling communication sounds. They search for food at night, running along the ground or through the trees with speed and agility and, after finding food, use their front paws to place the food into their mouths. Red pandas drink by plunging their paw into the water and licking their paws. Predators of Red Pandas are snow leopards (Uncia uncia), martens (Mustelidae) and humans. The species has also faced a great deal of human-induced habitat destruction.
Red Pandas begin their daily activity with a ritual washing of their fur by licking their front paws and massaging their back, stomach and sides. They also scrub their back and belly along the sides of trees or a rock. They then patrol their territory, marking it with a weak musk-smelling secretion from their anal gland and with their urine.
If a Red Panda feels threatened or senses danger, it will often try to scamper up into an inaccessible rock column or a tree. If they can no longer flee, they stand up on their hind legs, which makes them appear somewhat more daunting and allows them the possibility of using the razor-sharp claws on their front paws, which can inflict substantial wounds. Red Pandas are friendly, but are not helpless, and will resist if they feel threatened.
Diet ~ Red Panda eats mostly bamboo. Like the Giant Panda, it cannot digest cellulose, so it must consume a large volume of bamboo to survive. Its diet consists of about two-thirds bamboo, but they also eat berries, fruit, mushrooms, roots, acorns, lichen, grasses, and they are known to supplement their diet with young birds, fish, eggs, small rodents, and insects on occasion. In captivity, however, they will readily eat meat. Red Pandas are excellent climbers and forage largely in trees. The Red Panda does little more than eat and sleep due to its low-calorie diet. Bamboo shoots are more easily digested than leaves and exhibited the highest digestibility in the summer and autumn, intermediate in the spring, and low in the winter. These variations correlate with the nutrient contents in the bamboo. The Red Panda poorly processes bamboo, especially the cellulose and cell wall components. This implies that microbial digestion plays only a minor role in its digestive strategy. The transit of bamboo through the red panda gut is very rapid (~2–4 hours). In order to survive on this poor-quality diet, the Red Panda has to select high-quality sections of the bamboo plant such as the tender leaves and shoots in large quantities (over 1.5 kg {3 lbs} of fresh leaves and 4 kg {9 lbs} of fresh shoots daily) that pass through the digestive tract fairly rapidly so as to maximize nutrient intake (Wei et al., 1999).
"Stupid garbage compactor ..."
Thanks to my wife for quickly creating a properly-scaled plunger for this shot.
Photo shot for the Flickr group 7 Days of Shooting.
Part of my Stormtroopers series.
Photo seen in Flickr Explore. Seen on the Flickr Explore Front Page on May 28, 2009. It reached #1 in Flickr Explore on May 29, 2009.
Didja Ever Have One of Those Days . . .
where you just wanted to put a pillow on your head and snuggle up to someone you (sorta) love?
This photo (retitled "Let Sleeping Dogs Lie") was one of six featured on Yahoo's home page in a photo essay entitled "Sweet Dreams"on July 10th, 2009, garnering over 29,000 views in one day.
Dog Day Afternoon (with Apologies to Director Sidney Lumet)
I could fry an egg
On the patio
If I wanted to,
Though why I’d want to
I don’t know.
The atmosphere itself is beat
And banking on a holiday
Till it falls hostage to the heat,
So here it is, here it will stay.
For the torpor born in these torrid times
Engenders dreams of cooler climes
And makes the air grow dull and bland
Then robs it of all scratch and sand—
Now it’s just lying on the ground
And its tongue is hanging down.
From its white steel vault,
The sun lambastes the land
Till the earth seems to quake in fright;
Hotheaded habaneros have run amuck
While the zinnias rise in riot.
The oxeye daisies just stand and stare,
Too dogged to wilt in the stifling air;
And the once-dapper little French marigolds
Are roasting in their pot
And thinking about bailing out
Because it’s grown so hot.
The red-faced tomatoes collared
By the pickets in the garden plot
Are now clustered round a Big Boy
Holding forth at the edge of the lot.
First they simmer and then they steam;
They bitch and then they whine
About how the lives that they have led
Are undeserved
And better due a dog instead.
They point out the pumpkin vines
Who climbed the fences first
And left only their roots behind
Confined in the captive dirt.
Some of the ruddiest, ripest ones
Almost burst with thin-skinned rages;
The others plan midnight escapes
From their crowded metal cages.
Sentenced for some ancient crime,
Tired trees are doing hard time
Busting up rocks in the hardpan,
Respiring damply where they stand
Overseen by the hard-boiled sun;
They’d love to make a break for it,
But they’re too old to run.
They long to shed their binding leaves
And dance untrammeled in the breeze,
For they know that soon
They’ll have to freeze
In the coming winter’s night—
And their bark can’t match its bite.
Flowers in grass widowhood
Bear seeds of doubt with drooping heads
And languish alone in weedy beds;
While shrinking at their bootless feet,
Bluegrass has slunk into retreat
And now is lying low and drawn
And hangdog on the sapless lawn,
But Johnson grass in a ravening pack
Won’t cut the flowers any slack.
Like laundry pinned upon the line,
Bereft in the scorching sky,
Caught clouds are left
Just hanging there,
Left hanging high and dry,
Bleached and beaten by the savage sun,
Doing time as the time goes by.
The clouds are growing frail and pale
And cannot bulk and boom,
But the husky dogs have staked out a claim
To the couch in the living room.
The pillows are their prisoners;
The dogs won’t set them free,
And their chicken-hearted featherbrains
Can’t hatch a plot to flee.
Now every dog must have his day
Of glory in the sun,
But it’s better yet to stay inside
And make hay while its course is run.
But perhaps if I had broken free
Of the imprisoning heat
And its legacy of lethargy
And risen from my seat
To fry those
Aforementioned eggs
Al fresco on the patio,
The dogs would rise,
Give up my captive couch alive,
And deign to dine
taken from Elementa (Loosey Goosey Press, 2008)
Faith Goble
You can read Luan Gaines' review of Elementa at www.curledup.com/elementa.htm
and an interview at www.curledup.com/intfgoble.htm.
Cave troll as corporate bully
What do you MEAN you don't want to fill out those forms? (Explore--front page)
cute penguin couple - explored
These two penguins were petting and playing with each other as I approached, just as I looked through the view finder to frame a shot they both stopped and looked straight at me. I got really lucky with the timing, but I am starting to think photography is all about being in the right place at the right time :) Or at least having lots of patience!
Happy thanksgiving to all my American flickr friends and have a great weekend.
Random fact: (well... not that random I guess it's kind of fitting)
Most Humboldt penguin pairs remain faithful to each other for years, rarely choosing new partners unless one of them dies, and they often return to the same site to breed year after year.
*Update: Made Flickr explore November 27, 2009 - #133
View more on my photography portfolio,
or say hi on Twitter :)
Transit spatio-temporel (Time & Space Transit)
In the modern part of the Midi Station, Brussels.
You know the time when I took this ? But PM or AM ?
Dans la partie moderne de la gare du Midi, à Bruxelles.
Vous connaissez l'heure à laquelle cette photo a été prise, mais était-ce la nuit ou le jour ?
View On Black
Cat Conspiracy
Cat "Secret Service", protecting the feline ruler. Have to try to stay in the shade.
If you are interested in finding out more about this shelter or donating to it please go to: www.rapsociety.com/
Shelter is located in Richmond BC Canada.
Thank you,
Non svegliare il can che dorme - Let sleeping dogs lie
Questa è la prima foto scattata con la mia nuova reflex, una Canon EOS 400D.
A Portrait in Darkness
Had a great 20 minute session with a friend tonight and got some great photos out of it. Processed using my Simply Black & White lightroom preset (get it here: mcgstudios.ca/presets.html).
Strobist: SB-24 on 1/16 power, low and camera left into a shoot through umbrella. Triggered with my new Elinchrom Skyports
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Update: My first front pager! img.skitch.com/20090218-g8kbfhgjqajkb2s6tcjipwjydy.jpg
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Walking his way
A black and white cat walking towards me and looking at another cat. I like the lifted tail and the composition! :)
This is the 14th most interesting picture on Flickr matching "cat" out of almost 6 million! ;)
Toucan bird
Toucan bird - Taken in Brazil.
See my Most Interesting l Getty l Faves l On Black l Explore My Stream
There can't be any bird as photographic as the Toucan. The Toucan BEGS to be photographed. They are curious, photogenic and comical. The beaks are extremely striking. The colours - orange, yellow, blue around the eye and black and white body are heaven sent to the camera. All a toucan would need is a little green belly and you would have the whole rainbow of colours.
This particular Toucan took a great interest in my 250mm lens. I think he was a bit of a poser. So whilst his Toucan bird friends steered clear, he was constantly pushing into my lens.
It was the first encounter I've ever had with the Toucan, I pray that its not my last. They are the most awesome of birds.
Back to the Days of innoncence
Leah Heidelmeier again, she has such an artistic look about her. Which is ironic since she is an artist. I am so happy with the way these turned out.
Thanks again to Lauren Collins for the makeup job! LCCollins1108@gmail.com
Alice in Wonderland: White Rabbit - Long Live the Queen

Alice in Wonderland: White Rabbit - Long Live the Queen a photo by Brandon Christopher Warren on Flickr.
The White Rabbit:
View on Black and Large: bighugelabs.com/onblack.php?id=4306687693&size=large&...
So another shot from the White Rabbit portion of my Wonderland series. This was done in Englewood park with the always beautiful Callie Ramsay. That's Turkish Delight in the box by the way. It was delicious. Oh and the Bottle should look quite familiar as well, I think someone was holding it in a sunflower field in another shot of mine :]]
I love that forest so much.
I'm thinking I'll upload one more from the White Rabbit series soon.
Makeup by Lauren Collins:
Facebook Fanpage:
Everything Will Change.
Daniel again, I decided to play around with some film grain filters. I really like this one.
More to come soon!
Fri, Aug 20th - Caught red-handed
Incredible doesn't mean invisible...
Setup info:
Black background on the floor
One flash Cactus KF36 @ 1/16 with white diffuser umbrella and grey/brown filter in front of the lenses
Caméra Sony DSLR-A850 / Exposition 0,008 sec (1/125) / Ouverture f/8.0 / Longueur focale 50 mm / Vitesse ISO 200 / Détection du degré d'exposition 0 EV
errrr... BTW, pleaaaaaase vote for the pict I present in the pregancy-magazine contest, even if you've already voted yesterday. You can vote once a day until Aug 31st
I need you every day !!!! :)
My picture is currently ranked #25 and I need to be in the top 5 to win something !!!
It's very simple, just click on "Votez pour moi" at this link: